Friday, 23 September 2016

How to get really long eyelashes | Simply Krissy

I have always dreamed about having really long eyelashes.  Latisse,eyelash serums,eyelash extensions... are all amazing but you can obtain those gorgeous eyelashes with just one solution... castor oil. <3 I've stated in a previous article about castor oil but it is from castor beans and have made my eyelashes grow a lot longer. Make sure to use hexane free cold pressed castor oil or Jamaican black castor oil.  They are really easy to find on amazon for under $15. This is the one I bought: Amazon Castor Oil
Basically, all you have to do is take a Q tip or a clean mascara brush and dip it into you castor oil.  After that you simply apply it to your eyelashes.  Make sure to not get it too close to your eyelashes or it could get into our eye which is uncomfortable.  A tip that I found out myself is to curl your eyelashes before doing so because if not, a fraction of your vision will be the oil.  I try to get myself to put it on every single night and it has done a great difference. Good luck to those lashes! <3

How to remove BLACKHEADS | Simply Krissy

Blackheads. BLACKHEADS! Those annoying tiny black dots on noses.  They have annoyed me in the past and I really wanted them gone.  After a bit of research,these are the few ways I've heard of to get rid of blackheads.  They truly worked for me if you keep doing it. :)

Elmers School Non-Toxic Glue:The Glue

What a weird thing to put on your nose right?  As long as you get the school non-toxic version,it should be safe.  What you do is...
1. Grab a face wash towel and soak it into warm/hotter water and put it on where you want to remove the blackheads.  This will open up your pores.
2.Apply a generous coat of glue onto wherever you have those unwanted blackheads.

3.The glue should start adhering to the blackheads.

4.Wait until the glue is completely dry and then peel off the glue.

5. Some of your blackheads should be gone.

6. After, you can do it as many times as you want but I would splash my face with cold water so you close your pores and nothing else gets trapped in the open pores.

There is another solution I have which is the charcoal blackhead mask: Blackhead Set

Many people create their own but I just bought the kit because knowing me,it probably wouldn't turn out right. :P  You basically do the same thing with the instructions above.

I've been told that you can also use an egg with the same instructions but I've never tried that.

Good luck with those blackheads!

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Social Media Announcement | Simply Krissy

Hey amazing readers! :)
I just wanted to share my social media since I haven't done that yet haha!
Instagram: simplykrissyy
Youtube: Simply Krissy ( )So far it is an empty channel with basically nothing haha! I will be starting it soon and I hope you are excited you can subscribe to me if you would like to.

Love you! <3

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Summer Outfit Idea | Simply Krissy

This is my favorite summer outfit.  It may not look like much to you,but it makes me feel happy! :) 

Here is how I ensembled my outfit.
Flower Crown: Claire's
Watch: Amazon from XOXO
Romper: Brandy Melville
Sandals: Steve Madden's

Vegan Alternatives | Simply Krissy

"You can't eat anything as a vegan." "What about bacon?" "CHEESEEEEEEEEEEE!" "What about protein?" Many many people respond with these comments after someone says they are vegan. The truth is,vegan food is DEE-licious!

Why just dairy milk?  There is almond milk which is cheaper than dairy and their nutrition facts are basically the same!(2% Cow milk V.S. Pure Almond Sweetend Milk)
Soy Milk
Coconut Milk
Cashew Milk
Oat Milk

There are surprisingly vegan eggs: VeganEgg 100% Plant-Based Egg Replacer by Follow Your Heart.

There are restaurants that have mock meats but there is an amazing brand called Tofurky!They provide meats made out of tofu. There are veggie dogs and burgers but in my opinion, they don't taste like meat.  From Tofurky, this is a vegan bacon: Tofurky Smoky Maple Bacon Marinated Tempeh

Marsh mellows:

Try the vegan brand Dandies that is amazing!  They taste exactly the same as normal marshmellows but if you roast them in fire and they burn, it won't

Cheese: Personally, I have tried a brand named Daiya but they are not my favorite brand.  There are vegan cheeses I've tried in restaurants and they taste delicious!

Honey: There's even vegan honey!  Bee Free Honee Vegan Honey Substitute are made of apples instead of honey. How cool! 

Cookies: OREOS! Oreo's don't have any animal products which is amazing. 

Chips: Some animals contain animal fat but most don't.  If you want a healthier option,try kale chips!