Friday, 23 September 2016

How to remove BLACKHEADS | Simply Krissy

Blackheads. BLACKHEADS! Those annoying tiny black dots on noses.  They have annoyed me in the past and I really wanted them gone.  After a bit of research,these are the few ways I've heard of to get rid of blackheads.  They truly worked for me if you keep doing it. :)

Elmers School Non-Toxic Glue:The Glue

What a weird thing to put on your nose right?  As long as you get the school non-toxic version,it should be safe.  What you do is...
1. Grab a face wash towel and soak it into warm/hotter water and put it on where you want to remove the blackheads.  This will open up your pores.
2.Apply a generous coat of glue onto wherever you have those unwanted blackheads.

3.The glue should start adhering to the blackheads.

4.Wait until the glue is completely dry and then peel off the glue.

5. Some of your blackheads should be gone.

6. After, you can do it as many times as you want but I would splash my face with cold water so you close your pores and nothing else gets trapped in the open pores.

There is another solution I have which is the charcoal blackhead mask: Blackhead Set

Many people create their own but I just bought the kit because knowing me,it probably wouldn't turn out right. :P  You basically do the same thing with the instructions above.

I've been told that you can also use an egg with the same instructions but I've never tried that.

Good luck with those blackheads!

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