Searching the lakes for motivation. :) |
1."Whenever you think of quitting, think about why you started." Let's say you had a goal to do 100 pushups a day to get stronger. You start by doing 1 pushup and feel proud and satisfied. After 20 pushups,you get lazy and see those chips beside the TV. You feel tired and want to take a break day. Go ahead and take the break. The only result is you being further and further away from your goal.
2. If you have a phone,change your screen lock to your goal. It can be a picture of your favourite personal trainer or a picture of healthy juice. Everytime you have a craving for chocolate or cake, look at your screen lock and it should try to motivate you not to eat your craving.
3.Tell the close people around you to help you. For example if you are hanging out with your bestfriend,ask her to not let you snack or eat treats or do 5 situps every hour or something. It sounds weird but if they are close, it's fine. :)
4. I BELIEVE IN YOU. EVERYONE BELIEVES IN YOU. YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. NEVER SAY YOU CAN'T DO IT. Imagine how great you will feel at the end of this. Life is limited and short so don't give away your chance from this goal! I had a sports coach once and he didn't allow me to say I can't because I'm losing hope and confidence. If you say I can do it even though you don't think you can,just keep saying it everytime. At first,I was so self conscious that I couldn't even say I was the best out loud! After my coach forcing me,I managed to finally get those four words out of my mouth even though I didn't believe it. Good luck!
5. Your the best. Even though you may not think you are,imagine if you are the best in the world. What would the best person do? Would they quit? Or would the push themselves to keep on going? This really helped me for example, when I was in school, I remember my dad would tell me you have to think that you are the best. Of course,it doesn't mean you should be arrogant,but try to have the personal mindset. If you always think that you are only good and wanting to get better, you will remain on that level of good. On the other hand,if you think you want to become the best, you will push through all the ways to go even further. You are the best. You can do it.
i love your blog💓💓