Wednesday, 16 November 2016


Here is a link to what I ate:

Honestly,it really made me learn which foods contain animal products.  For example,when I went into restaurants, I ordered these noodles that seemed innocent.  Since I had the conscience about not eating eggs or dairy,I found out that these noodles contained eggs!  I could just taste it and researched that it did contain eggs.  Another tragic thing includes the fact that so many snacking products contain milk. From crackers to pretzels,there were so many products to avoid.  I felt content for the most part but I did do quite a lot of binge eating.  Since vegans require a larger consumption of food,I ended up eating a regular amount for meals which wasn't enough. Overall, I felt lighter and happier while being proud to tell my friends about this challenge.  Thank you for reading! :)

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Sunday, 16 October 2016

ONE MONTH VEGAN CHALLENGE | Week 1 Results | Simply Krissy

It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.  The only time I found myself craving and feeling sad is when I passed by grocery stores and any places with food. Overall,it wasn't even that horrible.  I ate really unhealthy though for some of the days so I need to change that in Week 2. Here is a vlog of what I ate!

Vegan Challenge

Friday, 7 October 2016

One Month Vegan Journey Challenge Introduction | Simply Krissy

Hey bloggies!
That sounds so cute haha.
Today I've decided I was done with binge eating tons of junk and unhealthy foods. Eating entire pizzas by myself and chip bags. I am completely done with feeling sick to my stomach and feeling bad about myself. Recently,I've heard in the news that going cold turkey is much more helpful than gradually becoming or transitioning into something.  That made me reminisce on the time when I became vegetarian. I've wanted to become vegan for the longest time and that one night I just thought that I would try being a vegetarian since veganism was way too big of a jump for me at that time. So the next day I rejected all the meats that I loved that came my way and ordered the veggie option in resturants.  It was extremely hard but I did it.  Even though you are vegetarian, that really doesn't take away all the unhealthy junk foods out there.  Now several months later,on October 7,2016 I have a new goals. Healthy Veganism. Not junk food veganism with vegan cake,chips and Oreos,I mean real healthy foods.  Don't get me wrong though,I probably love cheese and eggs more than the next guy.  Even with this love,I've  decided I will try this for exactly one month. Since I've eaten an extremely large amount of EXTREMELY UNHEALTHY foods today,I will start tomorrow. I am not stating that eggs and cheese are unhealthy. I am stating that I eat the unhealthy things that they are put in. An example is eggs:omelette with an extreme amount of oil or milk:cheese on a pizza.  So therefore,this will be exactly one month where I try this(October 8,2016-November 8,2016).  Keep in mind that October 31st is Halloween and even though I don't trick-or-treat,they may be provided in parties or friends. That means I have to avoid all the free chocolate which is my WEAKNESS. :(

Along to this healthy eating goal,I will also exercise every single day. I am planning to get a lot of protein in since I stocked up my freezer with tofu and I feel like I will have lots of energy since I am buying much more vegetables and fruits.  With these in stock,hopefully I will have the motivation to exercise everyday.  My true goal is to do running(cardio) with muscle training workout like ab workouts!  I REALLY WANT A 6-PACK! :D

On a small note,a decision has been made to bring a water bottle wherever I go.  I've come to realize that I end up buying many plastic bottles since I am dehydrated from thirst all the time which is silly.  Therefore,I will make sure to carry a bottle everywhere!

My true goal from this is to feel happy,healthy and to get fit.  I thought about my extremely unhealthy lifestyle and realized how short life is.  Why would I waste my life by wasting money on unhealthy food that is not instaworthy?(Just kidding haha,I'm weird) :P) Why would I want to not do exercise and get more fit just because of laziness? Why would I want to look back to the past and wish I wouldn't have eaten cake everyday of my life? My goal is to look back in the past and feel great. To feel amazing in the present. And to feel outstanding in the future.  Genuinely,there is a really strong will and hope that I will be able to accomplish this. I feel like no one will care about this XD but I do! <3

I will try my best to document weekly with a blog and vlog post of anything related to the challenge.  I will not be fake and untruthful and not post the unhealthy snacks or meals because they will all be included.  My exercise will also be documented too even if I didn't do it.  This is going to be a 100% raw and real experience and I'm so excited to share it with you. I really hope you are interested even if you probably aren't but I will try my best! 

If there is a will,there is a way.🌟-Dad

Friday, 23 September 2016

How to get really long eyelashes | Simply Krissy

I have always dreamed about having really long eyelashes.  Latisse,eyelash serums,eyelash extensions... are all amazing but you can obtain those gorgeous eyelashes with just one solution... castor oil. <3 I've stated in a previous article about castor oil but it is from castor beans and have made my eyelashes grow a lot longer. Make sure to use hexane free cold pressed castor oil or Jamaican black castor oil.  They are really easy to find on amazon for under $15. This is the one I bought: Amazon Castor Oil
Basically, all you have to do is take a Q tip or a clean mascara brush and dip it into you castor oil.  After that you simply apply it to your eyelashes.  Make sure to not get it too close to your eyelashes or it could get into our eye which is uncomfortable.  A tip that I found out myself is to curl your eyelashes before doing so because if not, a fraction of your vision will be the oil.  I try to get myself to put it on every single night and it has done a great difference. Good luck to those lashes! <3

How to remove BLACKHEADS | Simply Krissy

Blackheads. BLACKHEADS! Those annoying tiny black dots on noses.  They have annoyed me in the past and I really wanted them gone.  After a bit of research,these are the few ways I've heard of to get rid of blackheads.  They truly worked for me if you keep doing it. :)

Elmers School Non-Toxic Glue:The Glue

What a weird thing to put on your nose right?  As long as you get the school non-toxic version,it should be safe.  What you do is...
1. Grab a face wash towel and soak it into warm/hotter water and put it on where you want to remove the blackheads.  This will open up your pores.
2.Apply a generous coat of glue onto wherever you have those unwanted blackheads.

3.The glue should start adhering to the blackheads.

4.Wait until the glue is completely dry and then peel off the glue.

5. Some of your blackheads should be gone.

6. After, you can do it as many times as you want but I would splash my face with cold water so you close your pores and nothing else gets trapped in the open pores.

There is another solution I have which is the charcoal blackhead mask: Blackhead Set

Many people create their own but I just bought the kit because knowing me,it probably wouldn't turn out right. :P  You basically do the same thing with the instructions above.

I've been told that you can also use an egg with the same instructions but I've never tried that.

Good luck with those blackheads!

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Social Media Announcement | Simply Krissy

Hey amazing readers! :)
I just wanted to share my social media since I haven't done that yet haha!
Instagram: simplykrissyy
Youtube: Simply Krissy ( )So far it is an empty channel with basically nothing haha! I will be starting it soon and I hope you are excited you can subscribe to me if you would like to.

Love you! <3

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Summer Outfit Idea | Simply Krissy

This is my favorite summer outfit.  It may not look like much to you,but it makes me feel happy! :) 

Here is how I ensembled my outfit.
Flower Crown: Claire's
Watch: Amazon from XOXO
Romper: Brandy Melville
Sandals: Steve Madden's

Vegan Alternatives | Simply Krissy

"You can't eat anything as a vegan." "What about bacon?" "CHEESEEEEEEEEEEE!" "What about protein?" Many many people respond with these comments after someone says they are vegan. The truth is,vegan food is DEE-licious!

Why just dairy milk?  There is almond milk which is cheaper than dairy and their nutrition facts are basically the same!(2% Cow milk V.S. Pure Almond Sweetend Milk)
Soy Milk
Coconut Milk
Cashew Milk
Oat Milk

There are surprisingly vegan eggs: VeganEgg 100% Plant-Based Egg Replacer by Follow Your Heart.

There are restaurants that have mock meats but there is an amazing brand called Tofurky!They provide meats made out of tofu. There are veggie dogs and burgers but in my opinion, they don't taste like meat.  From Tofurky, this is a vegan bacon: Tofurky Smoky Maple Bacon Marinated Tempeh

Marsh mellows:

Try the vegan brand Dandies that is amazing!  They taste exactly the same as normal marshmellows but if you roast them in fire and they burn, it won't

Cheese: Personally, I have tried a brand named Daiya but they are not my favorite brand.  There are vegan cheeses I've tried in restaurants and they taste delicious!

Honey: There's even vegan honey!  Bee Free Honee Vegan Honey Substitute are made of apples instead of honey. How cool! 

Cookies: OREOS! Oreo's don't have any animal products which is amazing. 

Chips: Some animals contain animal fat but most don't.  If you want a healthier option,try kale chips!

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

The Flower Pot Island | Simply Krissy

The Flower Pot Island: There were beautiful spectacular views such as the other islands around, including the sunken ship wrecks.  I would definitely recommend you to visit this gorgeous island.

Sunken shipwreck.:O

Spectacular colours!

This was taken on the edge of a cliff and I was actually pretty scared but I'm a rebel so... :D

Gorgeous waters with a board walk

Cute light house! :)

The water is quite clear.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

5 Ways to be Happier | Simply Krissy

Throughout life, everyone goes through a various amount of emotions. Happiness,confusion,fear,sadness and anger...etc are all examples. Sometimes,emotions can be mixed together.  You could feel upset but are forced to express happiness on the outward appearance. Of course, feeling negative emotions isn't desired among most people. Therefore, I will be explaining 5 ways to feel happy in daily life.

1. "Smile,be happy and block out people who make you feel any less."  This quote really made me think.  Yes,we should smile and just be happy! Why am I letting people make me feel sad.  It's different than an argument with a friend.  I meant as in the people who are constantly making you feel sad. It is understandable that there will always be a situation where you can't just block the person out because they are constantly in your life.  There are times when I found out I could.  For example, a friend that you keep arguing with constantly and don't get along very well.  It's extremely hard and scary,but it's best to not be around each other.

2. "No amount of regret is going to change the past,no amount of anxiety is going to change the future." My mother told me this a few weeks ago when I was upset but I definitely didn't want to hear that.  I just wanted to feel upset but after lots of thinking, this quote is so true.  Of course, there will always be regret and the feeling of anxiousness.  It reminds me though to not let it occupy my entire brain.

3.Talk to your friends,parents,co-workers,God,a counselor or any person you can talk to about what is bugging you and know that they/the person are/is always by your side.

4.Look forward to one thing everyday.  It can be something as small as seeing flowers while going to work/school(which is why there are flowers in this post because flowers make me happy :D) or eating a cookie.  It sounds ridiculous but at least there is slight excitement throughout life.

5.This sounds absolutely ridiculous,but dress in "happy clothing".  Generally, at home, wearing pajamas makes me feel relaxed.  When I wear something I really like,I feel confident and a bit more joyful. Sometimes when people around me or I feel sad, it's normal to feel like wearing dark colors or nothing too flashy.  This isn't meant to offend anyone or saying only sad people can wear dark clothing which isn't true.

Foods vegetarians can't eat(and their alternatives) | Simply Krissy

It's pretty obvious that vegetarians can't eat fish  or any part of animal. What many don't know is that there are other foods vegetarians have to steer away from. This is shocking but there are many delicious alternatives to still enjoy. 

Those yummy sour worm candies? Nope,unless they don't have gelatin.  
Instead,try these:
Sour Patch Kids
There are so many more!

Marshmellows(Rice Krispies too)
They contain gelatin from animal bones but there is a delicious brand of marshmellows that is called,"Dandies." Many of my friends said they prefer these over regular marshmellows!

Some cheese cake and cakes 
Some contain gelatin or lard.
Many cakes don't though, just ask to make sure! :)

Some French fries 
Some have animal fat for flavoring but making them at home is way healthier with just potatoes,olive oil and table salt.

Miso Soup
Some are made of fish broth but there are vegan versions made with vegetables instead.

Some ice creams
Many don't but a few brands have gelatin contained in them.  

Make sure they don't have gelatin! If not,they used alternatives(normally agar) from plants.

Review on Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip Colours(Solow,Donut,Bumble,Avenue) | Simply Krissy

Today, I am going to review the exquisite Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip Colors for Solow,Donut,Bumble and Avenue.  I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THEM! :D

Where to buy and cost:

I bought them from which is their original website. :) They are $6(USD) per each lip gloss which is a pretty reasonable amount.  Sadly, there is the shipping cost which is $15(USD) for 3 or more items.(It is $10(USD) for 2 items for shipping).  There is an email signup that gives you $5(USD) off. :) As a result of this,4 lippies($24) plus tax,shipping($15),coupon($5 off) it costed $37.12.


Since these are ultra matte,they are super dry so please make sure to put on lip balm first. It didn't make a difference in the life span of the lip color. At first when you apply it, a smooth texture will show.  After it dries in a few minutes, it will feel like a dry layer of clay on your lip.  It will look super matte but as long as your lips are moisturized or exfoliated, it won't be that uncomfortable.

Color Descriptions:

Solow Ultra Matte Lip: 5/10
Very pink compared to swatches

Donut Ultra Matte Lip: 9.5/10
Gorgeous Vibrant Color

Bumble Ultra Matte Lip: 9/10
Beautiful warm color

Avenue Ultra Matte Lip: 8/10
Dark,deep red and dramatic color

Dissatisfaction with Solow:

It was great how it was very full and some even splurged out when I first opened it. :P  Sadly, unlike the other colors,it turned out extremely flakey,cakey(Aha, I'm so cool alliteration) and the texture wasn't great.  This may be only mine since the other solow swatches were resplendent but mine didn't turn out right.

Thank you Colourpop!

5 Ways to Obtain Motivation | Simply Krissy

Searching the lakes for motivation. :)
Motivation is what guides you to success. A highly positive feeling.  But when it isn't there, it just feels like a journey of failure.  This applies to many situations such as getting fit,doing well in work/school and even becoming a better person.  These are a few ways to feel more motivated with the examples of getting fit.

1."Whenever you think of quitting, think about why you started."  Let's say you had a goal to do 100 pushups a day to get stronger. You start by doing 1 pushup and feel proud and satisfied. After 20 pushups,you get lazy and see those chips beside the TV.  You feel tired and want to take a break day. Go ahead and take the break.  The only result is you being further and further away from your goal.

2. If you have a phone,change your screen lock to your goal.  It can be a picture of your favourite personal trainer or a picture of healthy juice.  Everytime you have a craving for chocolate or cake, look at your screen lock and it should try to motivate you not to eat your craving.

3.Tell the close people around you to help you.  For example if you are hanging out with your bestfriend,ask her to not let you snack or eat treats or do 5 situps every hour or something. It sounds weird but if they are close, it's fine. :)

4. I BELIEVE IN YOU.  EVERYONE BELIEVES IN YOU. YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. NEVER SAY YOU CAN'T DO IT.  Imagine how great you will feel at the end of this. Life is limited and short so don't give away your chance from this goal! I had a sports coach once and he didn't allow me to say I can't because I'm losing hope and confidence. If you say I can do it even though you don't think you can,just keep saying it everytime. At first,I was so self conscious that I couldn't even say I was the best out loud! After my coach forcing me,I managed to finally get those four words out of my mouth even though I didn't believe it. Good luck!

5. Your the best.  Even though you may not think you are,imagine if you are the best in the world.  What would the best person do? Would they quit? Or would the push themselves to keep on going? This really helped me for example, when I was in school, I remember my dad would tell me you have to think that you are the best. Of course,it doesn't mean you should be arrogant,but try to have the personal mindset. If you always think that you are only good and wanting to get better, you will remain on that level of good.  On the other hand,if you think you want to become the best, you will push through all the ways to go even further. You are the best. You can do it.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

How to grow out your hair(EASY) | Simply Krissy

My eyebrows have always been sparse,my eyelashes have always been of average length and my hair has always grown with many split ends to come. To save my hair,I finally found out about argan, keratin and castor oil. :)

Argan Oil: It really makes your hair feel much healthier but it is concentrated so you should wash it out after. It also moistures hair and skin and can give a remarkable result as a lotion.

Instructions for hair mask:
1. Take a palm size amount of argon oil and drench your hair in the oil especially the ends.
2.  Massage your scalp and ends of the hair with the oil.
3.  Leave the oil in for as long as you would like but I recommend at least more than 20 minutes.
4.  Wash your hair out and your hair should feel silkier!

Castor Oil: Grail to any person who is struggling with hair loss. It is extremely concentrated but what I do is I apply a huge amount on my hairline,eyebrows and eyelashes. They grow if you apply it often but you will need to leave it on for hours and then wash it off.

Keratin Oil: It is amazing for giving strength and length to hair! The thing that I love is that it absorbs really quickly so if you spray it on to your hair,you wouldn't have to wash it out later it will absorb with a non-oily texture. I leave in on my hair and keep spraying it every night for a few days and it automatically got my baby hairs to grow. If you have a receding hairline it should start to grow out. It may take a few months to see the result though. 

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Easy Vegan Chocolate Dipped Banana Snack Idea | Simply Krissy

This is a very easy and simple recipe!(Because I'm Simply it's simple... :D.)



Vegan Chocolate(Green& Black's Organic Dark Chocolate with 85% Cocoa is what I use. :))


1.You cut up the amount of bananas you will eat and dip them into the vegan milk or dark chocolate.

2.Take the amount of chocolate you want to use as the dip and microwave it for about 45 seconds to make it a gooey chocolate spread.

3.Let the chocolate spread cool down for a few seconds and then dip your banana slices into your chocolate and enjoy! :)

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Healthy Vegan Snack Ideas | Simply Krissy

Eating healthy feels,looks and tastes amazing.  Most of these delicious bowls will consist of mainly vegetables and fruits.  Hopefully these bowls will be created and enjoyed by you! :D

Nutritient Blaster: Green Salad with avocado,cucumber,greens,tomatoes
Medieval Castle: Blueberry moat with a Strawberry Tower
Watermelon on the side with a salad including flax seeds,papaya,mango,kiwi,melon,strawberries and tasty greens.
Rainbowl: Delicious bowl with many greens,pasta,and fruits.
Pastraw: Raw pasta with greens and fruits
Falling For Food: Breakfast oatmeal topped with bananas and strawberries